Ganti PTC, sekring ajaib yang rusak penyebab motor power window aerio lemah / mati tiap naik turun beberapa kali {komplonk86}

gambar 1
Bongkar maning om, Kerusakan pw 2-3x naik turun langsung mati...nunggu 5 menit bisa lagi tapi lemah....
Tersangka nya om, Semua dah cek...bagus dan normal :
gambar 2 - tersangka
ki tersangka nya om....wis ta cek
Nilai nya berkurang om
Satu2x nya yg blum aku cek yah ini
Ternyata benar
gambar 3

gambar 4 - PTC
Dalam dunia elektronik itu nama nya PTC om'

ptc itu yang seperti tembaga itu ya om? 
Bener om

Fungsinya ?
Sekring ajaib om
Putus arus apabila overload amper
Jadi....beban berlebihan akan putus sementara waktu

Klo di PW yah supaya nga ke bakar motornya klo klo switch ke teken terus
Klo sekring biasa kan klo over arus putus

Klo ptc over arus dia mati suri....nti idup lagi
Satuan Ohm 

Yang rusak :
gambar 5 - PTC yang rusak
Yang jos :
gambar 6 - PTC yang bagus
apa mungkin itu ya yg disolder dijumper, jadi dah tanpa fuse ?
Bener, Resiko nya tapi klo over arus motor jebol om

Tapi selama switch nga masalah harus nya ok oc om
Klo aku tuker ama belakang, Belakang jarang pake kan

rusak brarti itu diganti om?
Bener....masalahnya nga ada yg jual

yg video itu tuker belakang? (missing video)
Bener....selesai tuker pasang...jos 

Korban...hehe :

gambar 7 - ambil motor Power Window belakang

gambar 8 - PTC yang rusak dijumper pakai solder sepanjang PTC
Blakang aku jumper
Jumper dari Jalur Plus ke carbon aja om, 
Klo aku jumper lewatin ptc nya (gambar 8)

Om beli aja ptc keramik...nti pasang di kabel luar menuju motor biar aman

Carbon itu Plus minus om
, Yg pake ptc itu plus
Klo pake ntc baru min

Ptc itu protek jalur positif om
Ntc itu protek jalur negatif

Klo dunia elektronik itu umum sih om

Hampir semua power supply pake di komponen nya, Charger. Kulkas juga pake
Klo rusak kompresor nga idup
Sayang nya di sini nda ada yg jual
Online di Alibaba om
Klo lokal ada tapi seri keramik
 Bukan tembaga
Om beli aja ptc keramik...nti pasang di kabel luar menuju motor biar aman
namanya Ptc thermistor klo di sini

gambar 9 - penjelasan PTC

gambar 10

Self-recovery fuse PTC, thermistor
Types of : Positive temperature coefficient thermistor
Maximum working temperatur : 5 ohm
model : TD1120-B33A-0
trademark : TE
certification : UL
Nominal resistance : 5 ohm
shape : Flake
spesification TD1120-S14
Metal sheets : overcurrent protection

TD1120-S14 automobile motor overcurrent protection
Car motor overcurrent protection Auto Car Power WindowMotorClose Control Module
bimetal resettable fuse
PPTC TD1120-S14-AM
Polyswitch TD1120-S34-J14 PTC Devices Overcurrent Protection Device 
working voltage :16V 
MAX current 50A

PTC (resettable fuse) has become the de facto standard for protecting intermittent automobile motors. Secondary devices can meet the physical and operational requritement of each motor and are widely used in car seats, car windows, sunroofs and door locks. It's solid struccture enables reliable operation during the use of the vehicle.

Features :
  1. At the same time, it protects against over current and over temperature
  2. Different trigger time can be set for different applications
  3. contact arc and corrosion
  4. solid structure, more stable and reilable
  5. Can be configured to respond to changes in ambient air flow
  1. Protect the motor to avoid damage to the motor due to stall failure
  2. It can adapt to the normal working cycle of the motor
  3. Long service life, close to zero electromagnetic interference
  4. Resistance to shock and vibration

by komplonk86
sumber : wa


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