relationship between the pattern design and the tire's performance

sumber dari Toyo Tire Talk, pernah aku posting di kaskus dan AIC forum.

Ban dipengaruhi ama compound/campuran, nah ini susah mo dilihat, tapi ada yang lebih gampang dilihat yaitu patern ato pola tapak ban....
Apakah semua ban yang bertapak lebar2 seperti yang sering ditemui pada tipe2 ban basah akan menyebabkan noise yang lebih dibanding tipe kering..... biasanya bahkan banyak yang jawab "ya"
tapi kok achilless ATR Sport yang gua pasang malah lebih hening dibanding Turanza ? Turanza kerasa banget suaranya kalo dah jalan 80 kpj, sedangkan ATR Sport beberapa kali dipacu sampe lebih dari 100 kpj juga ga seberisik Turanza.... kecuali pas 130 kpj bergetar di stir :nohope: tapi ntuh mungkin soal lain..... Toh ada yang meng-"amin" kan kalo ATR Sport lebih hening dari Turanza..... (anak kaskus juga)
Apakah soal ban baru ?
Well kalo dilihat dari pola telapak ATR Sport, ini ban tipe Unidirection, tentu satu keunggulan dalam hal optimasi design pola tapak dibanding ban bi-direction, ntuh diluar kelemahan khas unidirection yang ga bisa sembarang dibalik....

Trus dari pola telapak ternyata adanya variable Pitch (besarnya blok yang bervariasi) juga pengaruh ke pengurangan noise lho... Trus kok krasa empuk..... apa ini karena kompon lunak ? tapi kenapa threadware ditulis 400 ? apalah cuman akal2an marketing ? ato ternyata design pola telapak ban mempengaruhi wear resistance ? well rada susah nemukan jawaban pastinya....

Terlepas dari yang pengalaman gua, sekedar mo sharing aja tentang design pola telapak ban, ternyata ada 4 fungsi utama dan 1 fungsi tambahan, selain itu juga ada table pola-pola dan efek2nya.... silahkan dinikmati....
seperti biasa copy paste.
Dapet dari TOYO, lupa linknya, dah lama kesimpan di harddisk, monggo disimak :

Subject: Tire Pattern Series—PCR
Design Factors of PCR patterns
The detailed differences in casing construction and rubber compound are usually concealed within the tire.
Unlike these, the tread design is there to be seen and can be judged in its own right.
At a glance, there are some criteria by which you can judge the probable performance in terms of noise, grip, aquaplaning and wear.
There are 4 primary functions of the tread design.
1) Providing grip in both wet and dry conditions
2) Improving driving stability
3) Preventing or reducing aquaplaning
4) Assuring adequate wear and irregular wear resistance
5) Having an attractive appearance
In this chapter, we introduce the relationship between the pattern design and the tire's performance. We believe once you have studied these design factors, you will be able to judge the likely tire characteristics and performance from the pattern design alone.

Nowadays, Toyo uses super computer analysis to help our designers to better understand the detail of the dynamic contact area, which could not have been previously seen, and therefore allowing more freedom to the designer. This innovative approach enables us to define specific performance targets, and then design a tread pattern to meet the required performance levels.


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