Fungsi Oil Control Valve (OCV) pada mesin M15A (Aerio, Swift, SX4)

Gambar 1 - Lokasi OCV

Apa fungsi Oil Control Valve (OCV) ? Apakah Mengganggu kinerjanya bila terjadi rembes oli ? Benarkah untuk mengontrol kerja VVT (Variable Valve Timing) ? Newbie coba cari-cari literaturnya. Ini dia dapet literaturnya (khusus M15A di Aerio, Swift dan sepertinya SX4 juga), copy paste aja yah, males nerjemahin.

Posisi OCV bisa dilihat di gambar 1 bagian yang dilingkari.

Camshaft Position Control (VVT Variable Valve Timing) System Description

System Description
The VVT system is an electronic control system which continuously vary and optimize the intake valve timing in response to the engine operating condition.
The optimized intake valve timing produce such an air intake with high efficiency that both the higher power generation and lower fuel consumption can be attained in the whole engine speed range from low to high. In the area of the average engine load, low emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and high fuel efficiency can also be attained by making the valve opening overlap between the intake and exhaust valves longer.

Perhatikan gambar 2 :

For the brief of the system operation, the intake valve timing is varied by the cam timing sprocket (1) which varies the rotational phase between the intake camshaft (3) and sprocket. The rotor (2) in the cam timing sprocket is actuated by switching or adjusting the hydraulic pressure applied to the chambers for the timing advancing (7) and/or retarding (6).
To switch or adjust the hydraulic pressure appropriately, ECM operates the oil control valve (12) with detecting the engine speed, intake air value, throttle opening, engine coolant temperature and camshaft position (angle).
Tambahan penjelasan gambar 2 :
Oil passage to chamber for timing retarding (4).
Oil passage to chamber for timing advancing (5).
Oil filter (8).
Oil pump (9).
Oil pan (10).
Control signal from ECM (11).
Oil flow (12).

Gambar 2 - Hubungan OCV dengan Cam Timing Sprocket

Oil Control Valve
Perhatikan gambar 3
The oil control valve switches and adjusts the hydraulic pressure applied to the cam timing sprocket by moving the spool valve (1) according to the duty pulse signals output from the ECM. By this operation, the intake valve timing is varied continuously. Signals output from the ECM are the duty pulse of about 240 Hz.

Gambar 3 - Oil Control Valve

Cam Timing Sprocket
Perhatikan gambar 4
The cam timing sprocket is equipped with the chambers for timing advancing (2) and retarding (3) which are separated by the rotor (5). The rotor rotates receiving the hydraulic pressure applied to both the chambers. The sprocket (1) is installed on the housing (4) and the rotor is secured on the intake camshaft by fastening the bolts. Therefore, the actuation of the rotor makes the phase difference between the sprocket and intake camshaft.
Tambahan penjelasan gambar 4 :
Seal (6).

Gambar 4 - Intake Cam Timing Sprocket

Timing Advancing
Perhatikan gambar 5
When the duty ratio of the signal output from the ECM is heavy, the spool valve (4) of the oil control valve moves to the left (opposite direction against the coil (5)). By this spool valve movement, the pressurized oil (1) is led into the chambers for timing advancing and the oil in the chambers for timing retarding is drained. This operations actuate the rotor (3) and result in the advanced timing of the intake valve.
Tambahan penjelasan gambar 5 :
Drain (2).

Gambar 5 - Cara kerja - Timing advance

Timing Holding
Perhatikan gambar 6
When the duty ratio of the signal output from the ECM shows that of holding, the spool valve of the oil control valve is located at hold position. Because this condition generates no oil pressure changes in both chambers, the rotor is fixed at a target position.

Gambar 6 - Cara kerja - Timing Holding

Timing Retarding
Perhatikan gambar 7
When the duty ratio of the signal output from the ECM is light, the spool valve of the oil control valve moves to the right (head for the coil). By this spool valve movement, the pressurized oil is led into the chambers for timing retarding and the oil in the chambers for timing advancing is drained. This operations actuate the rotor and result in the retarded timing of the intake valve.

Gambar 7 - Cara kerja - Timing Retarding

Targeted Timing Varying Operation
Driving conditionValve timingTarget of controlEffect
Engine running at idle speedMost retardedTo shorten the valve opening overlap in order to prevent the exhaust gas counterflow to intake manifold.Stabilization of the engine rotation at idle speed.
Average engine load rangeTo the advanced sideTo lengthen the valve opening overlap in order to enhance the internal exhaust gas recirculation and reduce the pumping loss.Improvement of the fuel efficiency.
Lowering of the exhaust emission.
Light engine load rangeTo the retarded sideTo shorten the valve opening overlap in order to prevent the exhaust gas counterflow to intake manifold.Keeping of the engine stability.
Low or average engine speed range with heavy engine loadTo the advanced sideTo advance the closing timing of the intake valve in order to improve the volumetric efficiency.Improvement of generating the engine torque at low and average engine speed.
High engine speed range with heavy engine loadTo the retarded sideTo retard the closing timing of the intake valve in order to improve the volumetric efficiency.Improvement of generating the engine power.
Low engine coolant temperatureMost retardedTo shorten the valve opening overlap in order to prevent the exhaust gas counterflow to intake manifold and reduce the fuel increasing.
To slow the fast idle speed of the engine as a result of stabilizing the engine idling.
Stabilization of the fast idling of the engine.
Improvement of the fuel efficiency.
At engine starting and stoppingMost retardedTo shorten the valve opening overlap in order to prevent the exhaust gas counterflow to intake manifold.Improvement of start ability.

Kembali ke pertanyaan sebelumnya :

  • Apa fungsi Oil Control Valve (OCV) ?
    OCV bekerja berdasarkan sinyal dari ECU untuk mengontrol tekanan oli pada Cam Timing Sprocket.
  • Apakah mengganggu kinerjanya bila terjadi rembes oli ?
    Bisa jadi, sedikit banyak tekanan oli yang dikontrol oleh OCV jadi terpengaruh bila ada kebocoran oli pada OCV.
  • Benarkah untuk mengontrol kerja VVT (Variable Valve Timing) ?
    Ya. VVT berbicara tentang waktu bukaan klep IN yang bisa berubah-ubah (Variable), waktu bukaan yang variable ini diatur oleh tekanan oli di dalam Cam Timing Sprocket, dan tekanan oli di sana diatur oleh OCV berdasarkan sinyal dari ECU. Jadi ECU memerintahkan OCV untuk menggerakkan sistem VVT.



  1. ini kalau di list eparts suzuki di bagian mana om agus?
    sama ga dengan sensor VVT?

  2. di bagian Engine - Fig 17 Oil Pump - no 19

    Sensor VVT maksudnya Camshaft Sensor aka CMP sensor ya ? kalo ntuh yang dimaksud ya berarti beda.



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