System pendingin mesin Aerio / Next G dan cara kuras radiator

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Cooling System Circulation
Sewaktu mesin masih warp-up alias belum panas, maka thermostat masih menutup dan sirkulasi coolant sebagai berikut :
gambar 1

Setelah panas maka thermostat akan terbuka dan sirkulasi coolant sebagai berikut :
gambar 2

gambar 3

The coolant recovery system is standard. The coolant in the radiator expands with heat, and the overflow is collected in the reservoir.
When the system cools down, the coolant is drawn back into the radiator.

The cooling system has been filled at the factory with a quality coolant that is a 50/50 mixture of water and ethylene glycol antifreeze (70/30; in a market where no freezing temperature is anticipated).

This 50/50 mixture coolant solution provides freezing protection to –36°C (–33°F).
Maintain cooling system freeze protection at –36°C (–33°F) to ensure protection against corrosion and loss of coolant from boiling. This should be done even if freezing temperatures are not expected.
Add ethylene glycol base coolant when coolant has to be added because of coolant loss or to provide added protection against freezing at temperature lower than –36°C (–33°F).

  • Alcohol or methanol base coolant or plain water alone should not be used in cooling system at anytime as damage to cooling system could occur.
  • Even in a market where no freezing temperature is anticipated, mixture of 70% water and 30% ethylene glycol antifreeze (Antifreeze/Anticorrosion coolant) should be used for the purpose of corrosion protection and lubrication.

Nah di bagian Note tertulis Air biasa (tanpa coolant) tidak disarankan dipakai, itu kata manual yah.... newbie sendiri kebetulan "fans of coolant" yang dalam pengertian newbie mengandung pelumas untuk water pump dan juga pencegah karat. Tapi keputusan ada di masing-masing orang sih, kalau diperdebatkan bakalan panjang dan ga habis-habis.

gambar 4

Kapasitas air radiator aerio emang banyak, 1 galon isi 5 liter ga cukup.

Berikut tabel diagnostic kalau terjadi overheat :
gambar 5

Coolant Level Check
Simpel aja kalau mau ngecek ketinggian coolant, cukup lihat di tabung reservoir yang semi transparant. Waktu Mesin Dingin pastikan ketinggian air diantara min dan max, kalau mesin panas maka volume air lebih mengembang karenanya bisa di atas max (itu sebabnya max di tabung reservoir letaknya rada di tengah-tengah tabung - biar ga luber)
gambar 6

When engine is cool, check coolant level in reservoir tank (1).
A normal coolant level should be between FULL mark (2) and LOW mark (3) on reservoir tank (1).
If coolant level is below LOW mark (3), remove reservoir tank cap (4) and add proper coolant to tank to bring coolant level up to FULL mark (2). Then, reinstall cap (4) and align match marks (5) on tank and cap (4).
  • If proper quality antifreeze is used, there is no need to add extra inhibitors or additives that claim to improve system. They may be harmful to proper operation of system, and are unnecessary expense.
  • When installing reservoir cap, align arrow marks on reservoir and cap.

Cooling System Flush and Refill

gambar 7

1) Remove radiator cap when engine is cool.
a) Turn cap counterclockwise slowly until it reaches a “stop”. (Do not press down while turning it).
b) Wait until pressure is relieved (indicated by a hissing sound) then press down on cap and continue to turn it counterclockwise.

To help avoid danger of being burned, do not remove radiator cap while engine and radiator are still hot. Scalding fluid and steam can be blown out under pressure if cap is taken off too soon.

2) With radiator cap removed, run engine until upper radiator hose is hot (this shows that thermostat is open and coolant is flowing through system).
3) Stop engine and drain coolant.
4) Close drain plug. Add water until system is filled and run engine until upper radiator hose is hot again.
5) Repeat Steps 3) and 4) several times until drained liquid is nearly colorless.
6) Drain system and then close radiator drain plug (1) tightly.

gambar 8

7) Remove reservoir tank (1) and remove cap (2) from reservoir tank (1) and pour out any fluid, scrub and clean inside of tank with soap and water. Flush it well with clean water and drain. Reinstall tank.
8) Add coolant that is a mixture of good quality ethylene glycol antifreeze and water to radiator and reservoir tank. For coolant concentration referring to “COOLANT”. Fill radiator to the bottom of filler neck and reservoir tank to FULL level mark (3).
9) Reinstall reservoir tank cap and align match marks (4) on reservoir tank and its tank cap.
10) Run engine with radiator cap removed, until radiator inlet hose is hot.
11) With engine idling, add coolant to radiator until level reaches the bottom of filler neck. Install radiator cap, making sure that the ear of cap lines is parallel to radiator.

Nah step 4 itu mayan lama nunggu air baru yang dingin sampe panas, trus step no 5 sampe air bening itu juga beberapa kali, makanya newbie lebih suka cara kuras dengan lepas selang - lebih hemat waktu dan lebih bening hasilnya.

Tutup Radiator

gambar 9

Jangan remehin tutup radiator, kliatannya sederhana tapi pegang peranan penting, kalau rusak mending diganti aja. Tutup radiator berfungsi menahan tekanan di radiator sehingga titik didih air bisa melewati 100 derajat Celcius (anggap aja radiator itu panci presto), begitu dia melewati tekanan tertentu (1.1 kg/cm2 kalau Aerio) maka untuk melepas tekanannya air dilewatkan selang menuju tabung reservoir (ini lah kenapa air di tabung bisa bertambah). Sewaktu mesin dimatikan dan dingin kembali maka air di tabung akan tersedot kembali ke system pendingin. Nah semua itu yang pegang peranan adalah tutup radiator.
Gambar 9 di atas adalah alat untuk mengetes tutup radiator maupun system radiator, sayangnya ga semua bengkel punya.

REMOVAL (gambar 10a)
1) Drain cooling system by loosening drain plug of radiator referring to “COOLING SYSTEM DRAINING”.
2) Remove air cleaner assembly and resonator referring to section 6A1.
3) Remove intake manifold referring to Section 6A1.
4) Remove generator referring to Section 6H.
5) Disconnect water hose (1) and heater hose (2) from each pipe.
6) Remove thermostat case (3) with thermostat cap (4) and water inlet pipe (5).
7) Remove water inlet pipe with thermostat cap from thermostat case.
8) Remove thermostat.

gambar 10

INSPECTION (gambar 10b)
  • Make sure that air bleed valve (1) of thermostat is clean. Should this valve be clogged, engine would tend to overheat.
  • Check to make sure that valve seat is free from foreign matters which would prevent valve from seating tight.
  • Check thermostat seal (2) for breakage, deterioration or any other damage.
  • Check thermostatic movement of wax pellet as follows: (gambar 10c)
a) Immerse thermostat (1) in water, and heat water gradually.
b) Check that valve starts to open at specific temperature.

Temperature at which valve begins to open : 80 – 84°C (176 – 183°F)
Temperature at which valve become fully open : 95 – 97°C (203°F)
Valve lift : More than 8 mm at 95°C (203°F)
If valve starts to open at a temperature substantially below or above specific temperature, thermostat unit should be replaced with a new one. Such a unit, if reused, will bring about overcooling or overheating tendency.
(2: thermometer, 3: heater - gambar 10c)

INSTALLATION (gambar 10d)
Reverse removal procedure for installation noting the following points.
  • When positioning thermostat (1) on thermostat case (2), be sure to position it so that air bleed valve (3) comes at position as shown in figure.
  • Use new O-rings when installing.
  • Adjust water pump belt tension referring to WATER PUMP/ GENERATOR DRIVE BELT TENSION INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT in this section.
  • Adjust A/C compressor belt tension (if equipped) referring to Section 1B.
  • Refill cooling system with proper coolant referring to “COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH AND REFILL”.
  • Verify that there is no coolant leakage at each connection.

Thermostat aerio letaknya di belakang mesin dan harus menurunkan intake manifold untuk mengaksesnya, ribet memang.

Radiator Cooling Fan
gambar 11
1) Check continuity between each terminals. If there is no continuity, replace radiator fan motor.
2) Connect battery to radiator fan motor coupler as shown in figure, then check that the radiator fan motor operates smoothly, fan speed varies and that specified current. If radiator fan motor does not operate smoothly, replace motor.
Radiator cooling fan motor specified current at 12 V
LOW : 10 A maximum
HIGH : 15 A maximum
Fan radiator punya 2 tingkat kecepatan.

Radiator Cooling Fan Relay
gambar 12
1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery.
2) Remove radiator cooling fan relay No.1 (1), No.2 (2) and No.3 (3) from relay box.
3) Check that there is no continuity between terminal “c” and “b”. If there is continuity, replace relay.
4) Connect battery positive (+) terminal to terminal “b” of relay. Connect battery negative (–) terminal “a” of relay. Check continuity between terminal “c” and “d”. If there is no continuity when relay is connected to the battery, replace relay.
Relay ada di box fuse di ruang mesin berdekatan dengan box fuse utama di ruang mesin (belakang lubang pengisian air wiper). (lihat di sini untuk lokasinya, dan lihat di sini untuk bongkar relay)

Water Pump Drive Belt
Alias belt karet yang menggerakkan Water Pump supaya air radiator dapat bersirkulasi. Belt ini selain menggerakan water pump, juga menggerakkan generator listrik / alternator. Ketegangan belt ini perlu diatur, bila aus maupun retak lebih baik diganti.

gambar 13

1) Inspect belt for cracks, cuts, deformation, wear and cleanliness.
If it is necessary to replace belt, refer to “WATER PUMP/GENERATOR DRIVE BELT” in this section.
2) Check belt for tension. Belt is in proper tension when it deflects 4.5 to 5.5 mm (0.18 – 0.22 in.) under thumb pressure (about 10 kg or 22 lb.).

Gambar 13a :
Water pump / generator drive belt tension “a” 4.5 – 5.5 mm (0.18 – 0.22 in.) as deflection/10 kg (22 lbs)

When replacing belt with a new one, adjust belt tension to 3 – 4 mm (0.12 – 0.16 in.).

3) If belt is too tight or too loose, adjust it to proper tension by displacing generator position.
4) Tighten generator adjusting bolt and pivot bolts as specified torque.

Tightening torque (gambar 13b)
Generator adjusting bolt (a) : 23 N·m (2.3 kg-m, 17.0 lb-ft)
Generator pivot bolt (b) : 50 N·m (5.0 kg-m, 36.0 lb-ft)

5) Connect negative cable at battery.

Water Pump
Dicek dengan diputar-putar pakai tangan apakah halus pergerakannya atau tidak. Kalau ga halus atau ada suara tidak normal kemungkinan rusak.
gambar 14

ECT Sensor
Engine Coolant Temperatur Sensor ini selain dipakai oleh ECU untuk menentukan semprotan BBM, juga dipakai untuk menentukan kapan fan radiator berputar dan seberapa cepat (2 speed).
gambar 15

Engine coolant temperature sensor (ECT sensor)
1) Disconnect negative cable at battery.
2) Drain coolant referring to Section 6B.
3) Remove air intake pipe.
4) Disconnect connector from ECT sensor.
5) Remove ECT sensor (1) from thermostat case.

Immerse temperature sensing part of ECT sensor (1) in water (or ice) and measure resistance between sensor terminals while heating water gradually.
If measured resistance does not show such characteristic as shown in left figure (gambar 15), replace ECT sensor (1).

Reverse removal procedure noting the following:
  • Clean mating surfaces of ECT sensor (1) and thermostat case.
  • Check O-ring for damage and replace if necessary.
  • Tighten ECT sensor (1) to specified torque.
Tightening torque
ECT sensor (a) : 15 N·m (1.5 kg-m, 11.5 lb-ft)
  • Connect connector to ECT sensor (1) securely.
  • Refill coolant referring to Section 6B.

Demikian copy-paste ala newbie.



  1. Malam gan mau tanya pada mesin baleno next g 2005 kl misalnya pada saat mesin hidup utk selang radiator atas panas...apakah selang radiator yg tengah lebih panas??

    1. Halo om Andi Risdianto,
      Saya udah jawab di facebook AIC :)

      ini aku copas lagi ke sini :
      emang selain "fenomena" selang tengah ga panas, apa ada keluhan lain terkait proses pendinginan ?
      Sebab kalau ngetesnya sekedar mulai dari dingin dibiarkan idle 30 menit, bisa jadi aja memang belum sepenuhnya sirkulasi beberapa kali.... kenapa kok aku bilang bbrp kali, krn kapasitas air di radiator aerio itu gede.... :
      * start coolant di mesin dingin, coolant di radiator dingin
      * coolant di mesin panas, di radiator masih dingin
      * thermostat kebuka -> tukeran dari mesin menuju radiator -> selang atas panas -> radiator sisi atas panas, radiator sisi atas yang dingin pindah ke radiator sisi bawah masih dingin -> radiator sisi bawah pindah ke mesin lewat selang bawah dan selang tengah, masih dingin semua.
      * thermostat dilewati coolant dingin, nutup lagi
      * thermostat panas lagi -> kejadian seperti poin sebelumnya, cuman geser aja yang asalnya panas menempati dingin dan yang dingin menuju mesin.
      * Dan dari 3 selang itu, selang L yang tengah itu paling akhir dilewati, makanya paling lambat panas.
      * Beda cerita pas kondisi selang atas panas, bawah dingin trus mesin dimatikan..... kalau dibiarkan itu selang L yang tengah jadi panas karena perpindahan kalor dari coolant di mesin yang merambat (coolant nya ga pindah tapi kalor nya yang transfer panas).

      Kalau mau lebih yakin, bawa jalan/kalau mau idle ya liat apa kipas bisa nyala sampe mati lagi bbrp cycle.... kalau bisa itu normal lah artinya coolant sirkulasi dengan bener. Beda cerita kalau kipas nyala tapi ga mau mati2.

      Yang penting kalau temperatur naik ya segera minggir, dan kalau udah dicoba jalan 1 jam ga ada tanda2 overheat ya artinya normal2 aja om, cek selang tengahnya setelah dipakai jalan......

  2. Maaf om di bagian dekat tabung rem muncrat air radiator bocor itu bagian apanya ya?

  3. Maaf om di bagian dekat tabung rem muncrat air radiator bocor itu bagian apanya ya?

  4. Maaf om di bagian dekat tabung rem muncrat air radiator bocor itu bagian apanya ya?

    1. bisa dari area thermostat atau selang bypass di thermostat atau bisa selang kecil yang ke iscv

  5. Enter your kalo mesin dingin,terus tutup radiator dibuka,kita starter, kemudian pas kita gas airnya muncrat dari radiator,apakah itu normal,

    1. muncrat karena aliran air kesentak tau2 rpm naik jadi putaran water pump naik. coba ngegasnya alus dan coba tahan rpm, harusnya ga muncat2.

  6. Om mau tanya nh

    Mobil dibawa jalan muter' baru beberapa menit posisi / suhu diarea mesin terindikasi panas banget. Kendalanya kenapa ya?


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